Newb needs help, please

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Kettenrad Driver
Kettenrad Driver
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Newb needs help, please

Post by matman3 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:45 pm

I'm hoping I came to the right place. I just bought a used Heng Long Tiger. It came with quite a few upgrades but no controller. I bought a Heng Long 2.4GHZ with receiver think it would be a simple drop in like an RC car. Nope!
What do I need to get this tank up and running? It does not have smoke or sound. It has the original 27mhz electronics. Thank you any help in advance.

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Re: Newb needs help, please

Post by phyrephish » Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:10 pm

Hi Matman

Sorry to hear of your problems but you have encountered "the great deception" when it comes to R/C tanks. The factory 2.4 ghz system of the Chinese tank makers are proprietary. They are not true hobby grade/protocol systems. There is no simple drop in or replacement with other parts. To further compound your woes is that it seems you have bought the cheaper version of cheap controllers the RX13. If your tanks was smoke and sound it would of had the RX18 controller and you could have used one of our products the RC5HL ($20) to then use a proper Hobby Grade radio with the tank.

Unfortunately, there is nothing "simple" moving up from the RX13. All the existing wiring will have to be removed and everything re-wired with JST XH plugs to fit into your new Heng Long 2.4 system.

Sorry for the bad news

Kevin G

Kettenrad Driver
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Re: Newb needs help, please

Post by matman3 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:57 am

Well, that sucks but there is an opportunity to build it up. I'm a little surprised it's a low end model. It has metal tracks, transmission gears and sprocket gear. It is what it is. Rewiring is not a problem. I'm very comfortable with electronics. Smoke and sound are in the future but would like to just get it running now.
What is required for a ground up electronics build? Is it all available from the store? Is anything salvageable?

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King Tiger Commander
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Re: Newb needs help, please

Post by phyrephish » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:18 am

Hi Matman

Since you have bought a HL 2.4 system you have all the control electrics you need - you just have to take out all of the existing control electrics ie. the Rx13 control board and get yourself some JST-XH crimps and connectors or ready made leads. These bits and pieces are available elsewhere but RCTA does n't have them for sale. If you live in SE QLD then I could do the rewiring or advise. Best place for these types of bits is You can get pretty much all that you need including going right up to smoke and sound from this page: ... rts-c-2_29

You will also have to do some research online to find out what pins are what on your new Heng Long control unit. Then just load up your cart on tankarmy with all the bits and bobs you need.


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