MAKO Taigen V3 Compatibility Update

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King Tiger Commander
King Tiger Commander
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MAKO Taigen V3 Compatibility Update

Post by phyrephish » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:54 pm

Sorry Folks that this has taken a while.....
Thanks to a very helpful customer in Denmark the MAKO code has now been updated to address the issue of the Taigen V3 MFU not registering hits. It was a simple change of a single number in the entire code. Consequently, the update is a simple single file update. Details on how to update the MAKO firmware can be found here:

How to update the MAKO firmware

The Taigen V3 Update file is below:
(2.33 KiB) Downloaded 1228 times
It has also come to my attention that the microswitch trigger pin for the V3 is the 5th (end) pin on the flash unit connector. Accordingly below is an updated image of the advanced connection method. The advanced method uses the triggering of the airsoft/recoil motor to fire MAKO and hence the IR signal. This is a far superior method of connection as:
1. The IR signal is fired as soon as the gun is triggered
2. The mircoswitch replicator function of MAKO can be used, eliminating the unreliable microswitch at the back of the gun unit and thus 2 less wires needed to go into the turret.



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